
Introduction to the structure of electromagnetic furnace

2021-11-29 1063

  1. The circular bottom furnace and reasonable incinerator configuration are selected, with strong furnace gas circulation, uniform furnace temperature and no partial overheating and overburning, so as to improve product quality and extend the service life of the furnace.

  2. Selection of shaft furnace: the furnace charge fully absorbs the waste heat of flue gas in the shaft furnace, reduces the flue gas temperature at the top of the furnace, and greatly improves the thermal efficiency. When the furnace charge enters the bottom furnace, it has been preheated to close to the melting state, ensuring a high melting rate and low energy consumption.

  3. The air preheater and furnace shell interlayer air duct are selected. The air preheater can well absorb the waste heat of flue gas. The preheated air enters the furnace shell interlayer air duct to further preheat and temperature rise, relatively improve the ambient temperature and reduce the heat dissipation of furnace shell. After air preheating, the incineration efficiency, incineration intensity, flame temperature and speed can be improved, and the furnace gas circulation and temperature rise speed can be strengthened.

  4. The furnace door structure is reasonable and sealed. There is no need to add furnace at the furnace door. The furnace door is tightly sealed, with less opening time, less heat loss in the furnace, no dead corner of slag raking and refining, convenient operation and good operating environment

  5 furnace top charging: convenient charging, low labor intensity, small furnace temperature fluctuation, long furnace life, and charging does not occupy melting time.

  6. The high-efficiency energy-saving incinerator is selected as the heat source, which has the characteristics of easy ignition, fast temperature rise, high injection speed, incineration security, small excess air coefficient and so on.

      Article from:http://m.sjzykyx.com

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