
Reasons for low temperature of electromagnetic furnace

2021-11-29 1080

  First, it can add the amount of flue gas, change the distribution of radiant and convective heat, add the heat absorption proportion of heating surface with convective characteristics such as superheater and reheater, and reduce the heat absorption proportion of evaporation surface, which is beneficial to improving steam temperature;


  Second, increasing the excess air coefficient at the furnace outlet within a specific range can improve the theoretical incineration temperature and the flue gas temperature at the furnace outlet, which is also beneficial to improving the steam temperature. The experiment shows that the air leakage rate of the air preheater is as high as 35% (the original planned air leakage rate is 12%), resulting in the lack of output of the induced draft fan, and the excess air coefficient at the furnace outlet can only reach about 1.1 at full load. According to the calculation, under the condition of burning "operating coal type II" planning parameters, the flue gas temperature can be increased by 14 ℃ when the excess air coefficient at the furnace outlet is increased from 11 to 125

      Article from:http://m.sjzykyx.com

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