
Working principle of electric sintering furnace

2021-11-29 1076

  Vacuum sintering furnace is a furnace for maintenance sintering of heated items in vacuum environment. There are many heating methods, such as resistance heating, induction heating, microwave heating, etc. Vacuum induction furnace is a furnace that uses induction heating to sinter heated items for maintenance. It can be divided into power frequency, medium frequency, high frequency and other types, and can belong to the subclass of vacuum sintering furnace. Vacuum induction sintering furnace is a complete set of equipment that uses the principle of medium frequency induction heating to complete the sintering of cemented carbide cutter head and various metal powder pressing bodies under vacuum or maintenance atmosphere. It is planned for the industrial production of cemented carbide, metal dysprosium and ceramic materials.

  1、 Primary principle and use

  Vacuum induction tungsten sintering furnace uses the principle of medium frequency induction heating to generate high temperature in the tungsten crucible in the coil and conduct it to the work through thermal radiation under the condition of vacuum pumping and hydrogen filling maintenance. It is suitable for powder forming and sintering of refractory alloys such as tungsten, molybdenum and their alloys in scientific research and military industrial units.

  2、 Primary structure and composition

  Most of the structural methods are vertical and lower discharge methods. Its main components are: electric furnace body, vacuum system, water cooling system, pneumatic system, hydraulic system, feeding and discharging mechanism, base, workbench, induction heating device (tungsten heater and thermal insulation material), power inlet device, medium frequency power supply and electrical control system.

  3、 Primary function

  After vacuumizing, fill in hydrogen to maintain gas and control the sintering condition of pressure and atmosphere in the furnace. The optical fiber infrared radiation thermometer and armored thermocouple can be used to measure the temperature (0 ~ 2500 ℃), and after comparing with the setting program through the intelligent temperature controller, the implementation status can be selected and fed back to the medium frequency power supply to automatically control the concave convex and thermal insulation program of the temperature.

       Article from:http://m.sjzykyx.com

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