
How to maintain the electromagnetic heating controller?

2021-11-29 1156

  In order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the electromagnetic heating controller, it is necessary to protect and maintain it regularly:

  1. Always add lubricant to the movable part of the electromagnetic brake.

  2. Check the length of armature stroke regularly. During the operation of the brake, the stroke length of the armature will increase due to the wear of the cutting surface. When the armature stroke length does not reach the normal value, it is necessary to adjust to restore the small gap between the braking surface and the rotary table. If the armature stroke length increases above the normal value, the suction may be greatly reduced.

  3. If the worn brake surface is replaced, the small gap between the brake surface and the rotary table shall be properly adjusted from scratch.

  4. Always check the tightening degree of bolts, especially the bolts of electromagnet, the bolts of electromagnet and shell, the bolts of yoke, the bolts of electromagnet coil and wiring bolts.

  5. The electromagnetic heating controller regularly checks the mechanical wear of the movable parts and removes the dust, flower hair and dirt on the surface of the electromagnet parts.

  Article from:http://m.sjzykyx.com

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